
Saturday, February 21, 2015

All gone (except for passport and creditcard)

That's the way it goes in those "save-to-travel"- countries: no cameras and no security, but then you come back to your room after 2 hours of surfing in the morning and everything seemingly of any worth is gone: laptop, camera, cellphone, binoculars, backpack, external disk, shavingmachine, sunglasses. Even the 7$ worth cap and my plastic bag of medicines. Means, there's not going to be an update for the blog in the next time because I neither have a possibilty to make pictures, edit them, tranport them on any medium or upload them with my computer. Sorry for you, guys.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Bouldercave III

Slowly we're progressing...
Despite if we have to dig out the holes again, because it was pouring down in the night. And as you can see they are deep and involve quite a bit of work to dig them out with the shell of a coconut

Today we cemented the L

In between got some treetrunks from the beach with everybody that was around (unfortunately, Matteo got cut out of the picture by the photographer)

and pierce the wooden panels with about 2 million holes for the holds

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Bouldercave II

Unfortunately, for reason of lack of money and time, we had to postpone the mushroom and rooftraverse of the project until an unknown date in the future. So now it's going to be more of a boulderwall in L-shape. Maybe one day the rest is going to be added.

digging out (deep) holes and a little ditch

hammering stones and filling them into the ditch as fundament

for sure some breaks in between

and the phenomenal bed frame boarding

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Bouldercave

Got the task to build a boulderwall in between the mangotree on the left and the watertank on the right side of the picture with Matteo, a guy from Argentina. That way, I'm going to stay for free and still be able to surf in between. First-off the place needs to be cleaned an 30 cubics of leafs and sticks to be burned.

St Teresa

Just to give you an impression, where I'm sitting on the beach the whole time.

Nicaragua-Costa Rica

It's been a while since i posted something in the blog. Here a picture from the boarder-crossing from Nicaragua to Costa Rica. One thing I've learned: never cross the border around NewYears. The entrance to the immigration is on the right side of the building where the white bars are. The queue goes around the building until where I am and the same again. Waiting time for me was around 4 hours. People that came 2 hours later than me: about 7 hours.